Before you contact us, please do the following:
- Be sure that you're doing everything right. We all make mistakes sometimes: Be attentive.
- Look at the Help file: it may already contain an answer to your question. A lot of people ask us something like "how do I:", though the complete information is there (in the document you're reading now).
- Visit AlfaClock support site in the Internet at It's a good chance that you'll find the newer version of AlfaClock there; we're trying to update the program once a month or even more frequently - when our stuff is not on vacations, of course. Also, if the serious bug has been found in the program, but the new version is not ready yet, we make the hot fix for it.
But if you still have a problem with AlfaClock and nothing else helps, please contact technical support stuff
Please inform us about the following:
- AlfaClock version (from About dialog)
- AlfaClock registration name (if you're a registered user) - this will help us to process your request faster.
- where did you get AlfaClock (http or ftp site).
- Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP version (including service packs and other fixes installed), US or international, OEM or not
- computer information: CPU type and speed, amount of memory installed
- description of your problem (as much information as possible to retrieve the problem)
- any additional information, which may help
Note: you may want to read the "How to Determine the Version of Windows 95 in Use" article by Microsoft.
In order to get the complete computer information, open the Control Panel, click on "System" applet and press "Print" on "Device Manager" tab.
We'll try to help you as fast as possible, usually in one or two business days.
If you have any comments or suggestions for the next releases, please feel free to post them to us.
Copyright (C) 2002-2003, AlfaSoft Research Labs. All rights reserved